Frankfurt Aviation Friends

The Frankfurt Airport Plane Spotting Community

Runways In Use – in welche Richtung wird gestartet und aus welcher gelandet? 

Frankfurt Aviation Friends

Frankfurt Aviation Friends is a non-profit association / website, photo community and newsletter operated and maintained by an all-volunteer crew of aviation enthusiasts – and it is not affiliated with any aviation company, airline or airport on this planet. Our goal is providing informations and help to the planespotters visiting Frankfurt Airport. 

User registration

There is one, Photo Community only. You must be older than 16 years – if you are younger, ask your parents first. 


All photos and text displayed at this site and its subsites are copyright protected and may not used without owners / authors permission. If you want a photo, please ask us first.

Few famous words about cookies & security:

All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of this planet, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words „we do not collect cookies  and we do not store IP-adresses!“ This also goes for all of the unfree men wherever they may live.

This site and its subsidaries are AI-free zones. If you should find an error here or one of the connected sites: they are all made by human beings. 

Please write your comments / articles in English. This language can be understand by the most of us (although this website is running in a German version). 

Thank You For Your Understanding,

Ralf Drews

Frankfurt Aviation Friends Webmaster

 – updated 09.09.2023 –


Ralf Drews (Webmaster)
– Frankfurt Aviation Friends (FAF) –
Höfer Weg 78
D-61184 Karben
Tel: [plus 49] einssiebensechsersechservierzwovier[4]acht&acht
E-Mail: info[at]frankfurt-aviation-friends.deFür den Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher: Ralf Drews

Alle auf der Seite Frankfurt Aviation Friends (FAF) gezeigten Bilder, Logos und Texte unterliegen dem Copyright der Fotografen und Autoren und dürfen ohne ausdrückliche schriftliche Zustimmung der Eigentümer / Autoren weder privat noch gewerblich in irgendeiner Form veröffentlicht werden.

Für Anfragen zur Verwendung von Fotos: rd.fotoforum(at)gmail(dot)com

Frankfurt Aviation Friends (FAF) ist eine private Interessengemeinschaft. Sie übernimmt nicht die Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links.

 Stand / Valid Januar 2023

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